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Rosary for the Bishop is excited to announce a new feature: badges. A badge is a small box you can paste into your website or blog which will display current statistics for your bishop, diocese, or parish.

If you need help getting a badge on your website, check out the Badges Help page.

Parish Badge

A parish badge displays the number of people from a specific parish, along with the number of bishops they are praying for.

Create your Parish Badge

Sample parish badge:

Logo Badge

A logo badge simply displays the Rosary for the Bishop logo, and a link to the website.

Create your Logo Badge

Sample logo badge:

Rosary for the Bishop

Diocese Badge

A diocese badge displays the number of people from a specific diocese, along with the number of bishops they are praying for.

Create your Diocese Badge

Sample diocese badge:

Bishop Badge

A bishop badge displays the number of people praying for a specific bishop, along with the number of dioceses they represent.

Create your Bishop Badge

Sample bishop badge:

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