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Rosary for the Bishop is a program which aims to show support for Catholic Bishops by maintaining an ongoing web-based spiritual bouquet.

The effort began at Christmas of 2005 in Madison Wisconsin as a Spiritual Bouquet for Bishop Robert Morlino. Lay Catholics from around the Diocese of Madison could sign up online to pray one rosary per month for the Bishop.

After two years, over 300 people were praying one Rosary per month for Bishop Morlino year-round, with at least five Rosaries being prayed every day.

At the end of 2009, the organizers of Madison's Rosary for the Bishop campaign, inspired by the success in Madison, decided to expand the program to all Dioceses in the United States. The Rosary for the Bishop website was overhauled to accommodate this change, as well as adding a number of new features, such as Twitter integration.

Anybody can privately pray a Rosary for their Bishop, so why should you join this website?

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